January 4, 2012

Why I live at the College Club

  1. Beauty.  I am surrounded by beauty in this handsome Georgian Revival house, built by Buffalo attorney, Philip Sherwood Smith,  in 1904.  (See more pictures of that beauty here.)
  2. Sorority.  How pleasant to walk into the kitchen at supper time.  I pull up a chair to hear the chatter of other residents' events of the day.  "Won't you have a glass of wine?" someone asks.
  3. Neighborhood.  The Elmwood Village neighborhood of Buffalo is where to find the College Club.  Rated as one of the top urban neighborhoods in the country, it is close to downtown and features the best of shopping, architecture, parks, and art of all kinds.
  4. Thrift.  What is thrift, anyway?  Thrift means being smart.  It means being a good steward of resources, whether the resources are money, time, energy, or the environment.  Being thrifty means being mindful--valuing what one has and treating it well.  Thrift is respected at the College Club.
  5. Serenity.  Rich in its past, my Buffalo oasis is quiet and peaceful in its present.  Ahh ...
(Posted by ACD, a happy resident at the CCoB.)